We would like to invite policy makers and residents to join us for an evening of debate, discussion and inspiration, to help us develop ideas and next steps together.
The inspiration will be provided by Ted Howard, of the Democracy Collaborative, Cleveland, United States. Ted will be talking to us about the work that he has been involved in, in the US and around the world, helping local institutions and communities work together to grow more inclusive economies, with better outcomes for local people.
Alongside this we will be discussing Sheffield City Partnership's work and what this all means for Sheffield with our Chair, Lord David Blunkett. We will also be inviting thoughts and questions from attendees.
Ted Howard, The Democracy Collaborative
Thursday 28th September 2017, 6.15 - 8.00 pm at The Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield, Gell Street, Sheffield S3 1QY
Please book your place via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-can-we-build-an-inclusive-and-sustainable-economy-for-sheffield-tickets-37248719924